Curriculum Vitae

Tijuana Institute of Technology

E-mail: ocastillo — at —

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Professor Oscar Castillo has published over 100 journal papers, 7 authored books,  16 edited books, and 200 papers in conference proceedings. He has served as Guest Editor of several Special Issues in the past, like  in the Journal of Applied Soft Computing,  (Elsevier), the Journal of Non-Linear Studies,  (I&S Publishers),  in the Journal of Intelligent Systems,  (Wiley) the Journal of Information Sciences (Elsevier) and the Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Systems (Elsevier).

DBLP: Oscar Castillo Oscar Castillo. List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server

Partial List of Citations — Partial list of citations from  Google Scholar Prof Oscar Castillo


Arnetminer Oscar Castillo list of publications from the Arnetminer repository


Academic Research Group - Hybrid Intelligent Systems Research and Software Development in Type-2 Fuzzy Logic

Publishing Books: Link to publishing books